A constant theme throughout my work as both a planner and a science educator has been outreach, communication, and teaching. I strive to encourage clear communication, active participation, and inclusion of all stakeholders. This section describes my experience in teaching, training, and presenting. See also Research / Analysis for written reports and journal articles.
Teacher Training Workshops
I trained over 1000 K-12 teachers at 18 international and domestic week-long environmental monitoring workshops. The training workshops that I developed and led were hands-on and covered sub-disciplines spanning environmental science, including: soil science, hydrology, atmosphere, land cover and land use, and satellite remote sensing. As a fluent Russian speaker, I led workshops in both Russian and English.​
Conference Presentations
Investigating the relationship between neighborhood accessibility, mode share, and daily miles traveled across Boulder. American Planning Association Colorado Chapter, Spring Transportation Symposium. Denver, Colorado. April 2016.
Assessing Options to Enhance Bicycle and Transit Integration. Transportation Research Board Annual Conference. Washington DC, January 2013.
Exploring Street Network Safety with a Multilevel Model. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Salt Lake City, Utah. October, 2011
Collaborative Management in Neighborhood Transit Pass Programs. World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research. Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. July 2011.
Assessing Options to Integrate Bicycle and Transit. Poster Presentation. Transportation Systems for Livable Communities Conference, Washington, DC. September 2010.
Briefings / Reports
Investigating the relationship between neighborhood accessibility, mode share, and daily miles traveled across Boulder. Presentation to City of Boulder - GO Boulder Planning Department. Boulder, Colorado. January 2016.
Neighborhood Grocery Store Inventory and Access. Presentation to City Council of Madison, Wisconsin. August 2003.
How Smart is Smart Growth? A Pre-Implementation Evaluation of Locally Developed Land Use Plans in Wisconsin. Thesis presentation to Wisconsin Department of Administration. June 2003
How Smart is Smart Growth? A Pre-Implementation Evaluation of Locally Developed Land Use Plans in Wisconsin. Thesis presentation to Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. May 2003